
Sep 25 2022


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm




Classical Music,

Centuries of Sound: Piano Extravaganza

Centuries of Sound begins its 2022-2023 season with a PIANO EXTRAVAGANZA!

The first concert of six to be held in the beautiful and historic ballroom of the Century Club of California will feature four all-star Bay Area pianists. Musical selections by Ravel, Debussy, Chopin, and American composer Amy Beach will showcase the warm and powerful sound of the recently refurbished Steinway D Concert Grand on the club’s ballroom stage.

Pianist Britton Day of the SF Ballet will perform Maurice Ravel’s lush and graceful “Sonatine”, and Greek pianist Elektra Schmidt will contribute Frederic Chopin’s magnificent “Ballade No. 4”. Pianist and composer Monica Chew will present her own work, “Ice Calf”, and the director of Centuries of Sound will sit at the piano bench for a delicate impressionistic nocturne by Amy Beach, “The Hermit Thrust at Eve”.

Additionally, audiences will be treated to 4-hand music from the early 20th century, including Claude Debussy’s sonorous and imaginative “Épigraphes Antiques” and Maurice Ravel’s wild and exuberant “Rapsodie Espagnole”.

This concert is hosted through Groupmuse, an inclusive community-based organization that promotes house concerts and other intimate events.

Reservations are required: to RSVP please visit the event page at

Cost: $5 to reserve, Suggested Contributions at the event.

(Suggested Contribution: $25 per person. No one turned away for lack of funds)

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