Jason Savage’s Bay Area Music Mural project is a tribute to the music that has helped shape the personality of the San Francisco region since the 1800s. It is part of the national Sounds of Our Town local music tribute mural series, and is being created to pay tribute to all genres and eras of music. The project will boost civic pride, help the local economy, honor cultural history, and help prevent graffiti. The mural is meant to be an art piece promoting unification by reminding people that even with different views, there can be common ground and dialogue found through the appreciation of local music.
The Sounds of Our Town project was conceptualized by Jason Savage initially in 2020 as a way to pay tribute to the music that has enhanced people’s lives over the years. The first mural in the 30 city series was unveiled in the summer of 2023 in Portland, OR and has become a beloved part of the city. Each city’s mural will be painted by an artist local to that city and feature musicians / bands of all genres and eras that have made a musical impact on the area. Some cities will feature the musicians depicted by likeness, some by name, and some murals will be a combination of both. The Bay Area Music Mural is the next in this series, and will be painted by San Francisco area native Dede Chiloiro. Jason Savage is the producer of the project and has a 30 year background in photography / visual arts.