Everything You Need to Know

Below is a section of frequently asked questions regarding the Musical Grant Program. If you don’t see the answer for your questions below, please send an email to [email protected].

Is 501(c)(3) status required for eligible applicants?

No. 501(c)(3) status is not required to apply.

Are applicants required to have fiscal sponsorship to apply?

No. Fiscal sponsorship is not required to apply.

I am a member of several ensembles. Can I be included in more than one application?

Individuals can be included in more than one application, however they can only serve as the main contact for ONE application per cycle. Please read more about applicant eligibility here.

I would like to apply for funding to support a commission. I am the composer for an ensemble that I also perform in. Which type of application proposal should I submit?

Composers looking to be commissioned by an ensemble they also perform in should apply as a Collaboration: Composer + Small Ensemble

Lead Applicant, Main Contact is [COMPOSER]

Project Partner, [INSERT ENSEMBLE NAME], Main Contact is [COMPOSER]

In this case, the composer can serve as the main contact for both the Lead Applicant and the Project Partner.

My project is a professional studio recording. I have a contract with a record label to produce the recording. Is the record label considered a project partner?

No. Music publishers and labels are not considered project partners for professional recording projects.

Are educational institutions eligible to apply as lead applicants or project partners?

Yes. If the educational institution meets all eligibility requirements and the project includes publicly accessible programming, then the institution would be eligible to apply.

If I’m a lead applicant with a project featuring a new collaboration with a previous MGP recipient, can I include them in a 2024 MGP cycle application?

Yes. If the MGP recipient was awarded before the 2023 grant cycle and has successfully submitted a Final Grant Report, they can be included in a project proposal for the 2024 MGP cycle.

If I’ve received an MGP grant in 2022, can I apply for the 2024 MGP grant cycle?

All previous awardees of MGP cycles, 2022 and earlier, are eligible to apply for the 2024 MGP grant cycle IF they have completed their project and submitted a Final Grant Report on or before January 31, 2024.

I do not reside in one of the nine eligible counties listed in the eligibility guidelines, but my project will take place in one of the counties listed. Am I eligible to apply for the Musical Grant Program?

No. Applicants must reside and present their projects in one of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area counties listed in the guidelines to be eligible to apply. If there are special circumstances that you believe would affect your eligibility, please contact [email protected] prior to completing an application.

I’m a member of a small ensemble producing a concert in the Bay Area. We want to include a guest musician. All of the core members of our ensemble all live and present work in eligible Bay Area counties, but our guest musician does not. Are we still eligible to apply to the MGP?

Yes, an application may include guest artists or substitute players from outside the nine counties listed in the eligibility guidelines. Please Note: Eligible projects must take place in one of the nine counties listed.

How many guest musicians from outside the Bay Area can I include in my application?

Eligible applications would include projects with a substantial number of guest artists if:

  • the majority (51% or more) of artists included in the project reside and present work in one or more of the nine eligible counties, 
  • the project budget identifies sources of funding that are only available for out-of-town guest artist related expenses 
  • the applicant can demonstrate that the inclusion of the guest artist will benefit local musicians and audiences
I’m not sure how to answer the different sections of the Artist Overview portion of the proposal. Can you provide any additional guidance on how to frame my answers?

Mission / Artist Statement: WHY do you engage in musical activity in the Bay Area?

Artist History: HOW does your history demonstrate a commitment to fulfilling your mission?

Artist Bio: Include a list or narrative of key achievements / accolades (submitting your CV is OK!)

If I am including an audio/video compositional work sample, do I also need to include the score for the work?

No. It is not required to include a score, but it is highly encouraged to do so. Scores should only be included when they correlate to audio/video samples provided.

How long should my work samples be?

Please limit audio and video work samples to 3 – 5 minutes in length. If your sample is longer than this, use timestamps to specify the 3 – 5 minute segment you would like the panel to review. 

How many grants are awarded each cycle?

The number of grants awarded in any given cycle will depend on the number of applications received, as well as available funding support for the Musical Grant Program from local government sources, corporations, private foundations, and individual donors. We anticipate awarding 20-22 grants for the upcoming 2024 cycle.

Can you provide examples of the types of projects that could be supported by the Musical Grant Program?
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